I thought we would start with Tor. The amazing gnome who guards our garden (except he lets the deer eat the raspberries- but I'll let that slide) and makes sure that the flowers bloom and the veggies grow!.. well I'm not sure if he does all that, but I want to give him props anyway- since he has survived four winters- and just got a face lift (paint touch up) this summer. I think he's looking quite spry for a 500 year old gnome (they live to be over 700 you know) , don't you? and aren't the Liatris lovely behind him- I love liatris because it gives you a burst of color- when everything else is dying off.
So a very productive few days since we last spoke.. got the rehearsal dinner invites out, checked out the rehearsal dinner sight (I love ACES!), printed the programs ( actually Jim did that!), had a ladies night! worked out- (wherein I pressed the most weight I ever have, I can't move my arms today, but hey - that's sacrifice!) and on top of it all we got another wedding present!!! yea presents yea!!! Ice cream maker attachment and Le Cruset cooking pot! not bad--- needless to say I will show you what creations come out of them :-)
Lets move on to some more pictures shall we?.......

Hollyhocks, Hollyhocks, oh holly holly holly....... Hollyhocks! bu dum dum dum.....
Another delightful hollyhock, Again a late bloomer- but we love that !
Raspberries anyone? a bit blurry I know- but trust me, this one is almost ripe- and I may just have to eat it- when I'm done typing.
The Loverly Lavender- my all time favorite plant. I think I will make some sachets this afternoon.

One more lonely raspberry- which will be consumed very shortly!

Kinda blurry sorry- This is the spicy spicy pasta I made, which was great cold too!- I used the corn and black bean pasta from the farmers market, along with tomatoes, zucchini and peppers (also from the farmers market)- and at the end added a can of spicy pinto beans with sauce- and topped with fresh herbs. yummy yummy- and spicy spicy ( I forgot that some of the peppers were spicy- I thought they where Anaheim peppers! whoops. plus I added two Serrano's....

The last Thursday Night concert.. :-( Boo. But at least this time it was a great band! last year it was such a let down, I'm sorry I like mariachi as much as the next person- but just not as the last concert of the summer!- had a wonderful time with of course.. Nicole my ever faithful and dear friend- Jim was Babysitting and being awesome.

Here Is the bag I knitted for Nicole- gave it to her at the concert and inside was some earrings, to wear with the bridesmaid dress! Very simple pattern, worked over 33 stitches and 6 rows. If you want the pattern- just let me know!!

Can you see the rainbow? I believe it was a double..
Well that's all I have for now.. since I've been SOO productive lately, maybe it won't take me as long to update- but then again, maybe it will.... gotta keep you on your toes you know. I'm excited for hockey tonight! yes, hockey. it's awesome! plus I get to watch my love on skates. sweet.
Well lots of love, and talk to you all soon! Cheers!
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