Thought I forgot about you eh? well no, I didn't, It was just REALLY remote where we were, REALLY remote. Which was wonderful, Nothing to do but relax :-) I thought I would just teaste you with a few photos of the trip, (I believe these were all taken within the first few days) we were gone for so long, i'm not sure which day was which! We did manage to write a journal while we were there though, just to try and remember all that we did. I'm a bit tired from the traveling, so bear with me ok? -----So here we go, you ready? let's see some photos!

The First Sunset, Taken right from the little place we were staying.

This was just outside the first place we stayed, probably twenty steps at the most.

I know it doesn't look like much, but I was trying to show you how clear the water was by showing you my feet through it- I'm standing in the water, not on the beach- the water was so clear it was like glass.

Etu Moana- or blue starfish - taken in the clearest water imaginable

Muri Beach, The second week we stayed close by here-

They held the Pacific Mini Games outrigger canoe races here. Tahitii won everything, but The cook island Women came in second in both the 1500 meter and the 800!

More Muri beach- The Lagoon water was amazing- The bluest blues I have ever seen!

So there you go- like a said, just a tease of photos- sorry, but if I were to upload them all it would take me days :-) we probabley have over 600! so i'll just keep posting a few at a time! (Ha!I think I'm still on island time) - So hope everyone had a wonderful fall, we missed you!
We are so glad to be home :-) I LOVE the Smell of fall!
Lots of Love to you all! and remember, Always take time to Relax and Enjoy Life :-)
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