Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How does your garden grow... (When you forget to check on it :))

Hello everyone! Hope your summer is going well :) mine is going by fast! Just a short post with a few photos :) enjoy!

I Went outside earlier to see if we had any zucchini, this it what I found :)

The picture doesn't even do it justice, the left one is like a baseball bat and weighs 3.11 pounds!

Zucchini bread anyone?

This is probably the time of year when our garden gets the most full! Hubbard squash to the left of the photo..

Lettuce, squash, zucchini, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, onion, carrot... If you can find them :)

The Hubbard squash taking over the footpath :)

Jim's amazing grassy knoll! It's lovely- sorry for the blurry photo- I'm updating the blog on my ipad- hoping it will be faster than the computer, so that I will update more frequently :)

 Yummy harvest!

Some patterns set release soon on Ravelry:
Sitrus Cowl, Babbling Sweater and the Ripple and Twist hats :)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Can't believe it's August already!